Tea Cup Reading - Sheetal Shaparia


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Tea Cup Reading


Tasseomancy or teacup reading is one of the oldest occult sciences. It has been present right since the time tea has been discovered (Approximately 5000 years old). Historians believe that this form of creative and intuitive reading was widely practiced in China. The media includes a light-colored tea, consumed in a wide-mouthed, white cup along with a saucer, to acquire an accurate reading. Readers looked for patterns of good and bad omens using the tea dredges off an empty cup to determine happenings in their future.

General Questions Asked

  1. What aspects of your life require more focus and attention from you?
  2. What is your soul purpose?
  3. What is the lesson you are supposed to learn from this life?
  4. What you need to know about how you give and receive love?
  5. What is your relationship with money?
  6. When you are worried about your Future?
  7. When you feel insecure about a love relationship?
  8. Will we have a successful married life?